How to use exams preparatory test

  1. From the home page, select Exams preparatory Test.
  2. Nature
  3. Then select the examination type. Say BECE.
  4. Nature
  5. Then select the subject area, say Mathematics.
  6. Nature
The screen below gives you three options.

  1. log in button
    1. This give you the option to log in if you have paid already. (if you have paid, you have the Transaction ID from MTN which comes with the message of payment.)
    2. Enter the MoMo number and the transaction ID to log in and use the resource previously selected.
  2. Pay button
    1. If you have not made any payment for the selected subject, click on this button to make payment
    2. Click on the "Pay button"
    3. Enter your MoMo number to make payment
    4. Accept payment when you see the payment prompt.
    5. Then click to proceed to the subject area.
    6. You are presented with 5 question at a time. For mathematics, you have seven minutes to complete and the other subject, 5 minutes to complete. If you are done, you can click on the Mark button to check your score for the 5 questions you were presented. Click on next to see the next set of questions.
  3. View Score
    1. A parent can Know the performance of his/her ward by keying in the phone number and any of the transaction IDs used with that Phone number. You will see all the subject areas worked on, and the score for that subject.
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